Partly sunny
Partly cloudy
-6° The air temperature -6°
-4° The air temperature -4°
-14°Feels Like -14°
-11°Feels Like -11°
79% Air humidity 79%
73%Air humidity 73%
763 mm Pressure 763 mm
764 mm Pressure 763 mm
7 m/s Wind speed 7 m/s
6 m/s Wind speed 6 m/s
↓Wind North
↓Wind North
18% Probability of sedimentary 18%
36% Probability of sedimentary 36%
Weather Uzhhorod, Wednesday, 14 December.
Partly cloudy . The minimum temperature is expected to be about -6°C, maximum -4°C. Atmospheric pressure within 763 - 764 torr. The wind mostly South, 6-7 m/s. Relative humidity 73% - 79%.